Artonov 2019

In this year, the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus school, it seems appropriate to honour its founder in the program of the fifth edition of Festival ARTONOV. It’s also an anniversary for us; already 5 years! It seems almost impossible considering that the current European economic situation highly affects culture. However, the project is positively evolving and thanks to the help of our partners, public authorities and volunteers who have believed in us from the beginning, we can continue to enrich the festival and each year create an even more abundant and full program. The intuition of the gesture, perceived as the movement of the body of the artist whatever the discipline, will be the theme of this edition. Even within architecture, throughout the centuries the body has gradually adopted more distinct behaviours from mechanical to absence and from mystical to material. Furthermore, architecture, according to specific ideologies of behaviour, has raised its walls like a powerful castle or on the contrary, has made them transparent like greenhouses, enveloping like churches and oppressive like the dark prisons of Piranesi. The body was free to move within the architectural structure or was forcibly locked in as a recluse. The body is the element which disturbs the system yet at the same time is the connection between all the systems; the shortcut between different disciplines and their lowest common denominator. The body is truly the interdisciplinary element. The artists of this edition will offer their personal response to this idea in places where the architects added a sensorial element to the construction as well as to the space. 

Watch Artonov highlights from 2019 here

Edition 2019